Sunday, September 11, 2011

Art In The Most Unusual Of Places

Hey all!  So I”m surfing the web tonight and I came across some soap making videos on YouTube.  I’ve never really thought of soap making as art.  I did see it as a craft and some handmade soaps are just beautiful, but to be fully honest, I never thought about what went into making that beauty.  I guess I thought they naturally cured that way with some additions at the end from the maker.  But I never knew how intricate soap making can be.  That is until I found Sergio.  Sergio makes handmade soaps and shows how he makes them in videos.  At first I thought Sergio was a female, I just didn’t think soap making nowadays was a guy kind of thing, I stand fully corrected.  Sergio’s soap making is like an art form.  The way he has with his ingredients and pigments is just like a magic dance and in some cases like he is a painter.  Take a look at this video to see what I mean.

Beautiful, right?  Sergio has made several videos that just make a person ohh and ahh in amazement.  You can check out the rest of his videos on his YouTube channel SergioMasala.  You can also check out his blog Jabones: Alquimia De Las Plantas, it’s in Spanish, but if you are like me and sadly don’t know the language, have heart because the pictures alone will keep your attention.  I so need to learn some Spanish so I can understand what he writes.  I’m sure it would be very interesting.

But  this just goes to show you can find interesting art in the most unusual of places.  I’m going to keep my eyes more open from now on so as not to miss another artistic opportunity.  I hope you will too.  Smile  And on that note I will talk to you find ladies and gents later.  Be good until next we meet.  Bye for now.  Smile

Tiny artistic soap bubbles,


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