Sunday, January 30, 2011

What I’ve been up to.

Hey peeps, so I haven’t been doing much craftwise lately, but with the slow change in the season coming upon us, I am feeling more frisky and wanting to do things crafty.  The Earth is a-moving and it’s making me feel like good.  I don’t know why.  I hate the heat of Spring but I love the bright light, and the longer days, and the colors, and the smells, and the sound of kids playing outside again.  But I hate the heat, the bugs with their buzzing, mosquito bites, things overgrowing everywhere, humidity, bad storms, hurricane season later on in the year, 100+ degree heat later on in the year, and just blah.  But I’ll get by and get thru it and before I know it, it will be my beloved Fall again which I WILL celebrate this year some how.  I don’t know how but I WILL celebrate it some how.  But for not, Springtime is looming over us, everyone is getting itchy to get out there and plant, and I am getting itchy to start crafting again.  Yay!  My first plan is Valentine’s items that could easily be Spring items or just cute items in general.  I want to make some cute barrettes that could easily be used for humans or dolls with big heads. I want to more promote them for human use, but far be it from me to keep you from popping them on your bjd,Blythe, or Pullip heads from time to time.  Smile

Project for 2011

So yeah, you guys remember these two bits of fabric, wait, I don’t think I blogged about them here.  Yeah I did it on my doll blog.  Well I was going to make doll dresses from them, and I may still do it, but right now I’m seeing cute barrettes from the fabric.  So yeah I will be trying to make some of those.  If they don’t sell my Valentine’s day,it’s generic enough where it will be fine for anything really.  So woo hoo on that!  I’m going to try making a set in both fabrics and seeing how I like it.  Then I may make doll dresses with what’s left.  Just not sure yet on that.

3 Row Crochet Round

But while I’ve been away I have been practicing crochet.  This is a 3 row round that I crocheted on a recent trip out.  I finally figured out how to do it and I’m so excited.  See I wanted to learn how to do crochet so I could make amigurumi.  Amigurumi is basically a knit or crocheted doll.  The knit ones just don’t look as cute to me, even though I will try making one some day, but the crochet ones always make me smile and go “aww how cute”.  So I wanted to learn crochet so I could design my own and maybe sell them or give them away as gifts.  This right here is the start of it.  I have been practicing the magic ring/circle, and I got it, but it comes a little loose on me so I need to work on that some and then I think I have to basics for making amigurumi.  Yay!  I also want to crochet myself some things eventually, but with me losing weight I will have a small window to make things for myself from the patterns I have and use it before I move out of the size range.  Which is fine.  I can still make these items because there is a lack of full figured clothing on Etsy, so I may still have a market to make these things.  I got the pattern book for myself mostly, but I don’t plan to stay in the size range for long so yeah I will either have to pass the book on or make clothing for others.  I choose to make clothing for others and see how they sell.  If they don’t, then good bye to the book…maybe.  LOL!

Well that’s about it for me.  Just wanted to update and say I’m still here and I’m itching to get crafty again.  I still need to update my blog on with great craft links, but with OWOH starting, tonight at midnight, I want to wait because I know I will come across some awesome blogs that I will be adding to my bookmarks.  So once it’s done, I will be Spring cleaning my bookmarks along with other stuff.  This is the year of downsizing for me.  I will be downsizing a lot of stuff so I will be having a big sale some time this year as well on craft stuff and doll stuff as well as maybe trying to arrange a swap with a few people.  Just some ideas floating around in my head.  I’ll keep you updated.  But yeah that’s it for now.  Talk to you all soon.  Stay crafty!

Loves ya,


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