Monday, May 30, 2011

What have I been up to, part 2.

So this is an update I did on the bear cross stitch just basically showing that I finished the bear and he looks kind of wonky right now.  I hope that he looks a little better once I get the outlines in.  When I finish I will have a good picture of the final product for you. Right now I am just kind of documenting.  Here’s the video update.

So I will update again soon on how he’s coming along.  I made a few changes and now I get to start on the moon.  Scary.  Winking smile

Loves ya,

What have I been up to???

Hey everyone.  Well, I’m sure you thought I’ve all but abandoned my poor pad here.  But worry not, I’m back.  I’ve been dealing with some health issues, still am actually, so I haven’t been crafting too much.  But I did manage to break open a cross stitch kit and start working on it.  This kit is rather interesting, to say the least.  I took a small video about it.  Check it out below.

More to come on this interesting kit. Smile  Bye for now.

Loves ya,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Still here.

I know it's been a while since I have posted, but I promise you I'm still here.  Things will start picking up here real soon as I am starting a new chapter in my life and things are about to get super crafty.  So stick with me, there is more to come and soon.  Until then, be good and talk to you soon.  :-)  Bye for now.


Thursday, May 5, 2011


Just watched this movie and thought I’d share it with you all.  It’s about a young in 1978 in Iran and things that happen in her life up to about 1994.  I found this view of Iran and the version seen from a young girl to be interesting.  The movie starts the year I was born so it was extra interesting to see how she lived and to think back to how I lived back then and just can’t even begin to imagine how she handled all she went through.  It’s really an amazing peek in a part of the world many of us may not know about.  Enjoy.

Loves ya,